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S.C. URB RULMENTI SUCEAVA S.A. was certified according to ISO 9001 by AEROQ Bucharest, since 1997. The Management Quality System was recertified according ISO 9001:2008, in 2010.

We developed certain partnerships with our customers, offering products according to the clauses of ISO TS 16949 Standard for automotive industry. The methods and technics recommended in this Standard are applied and in totality fulfilled for the processed and delivered products. There are used modern methods: Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA), Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Statistical Process Control (SPC), Production Part Approval Process (PPAP).

The quality assurance starts with engineering and commercial service, where customers’ requirements are analyzed and implemented. From receiving of raw materials to every process of production, using an all-round quality control system, we perform a strict inspection on quality to assure that each product meets technical specification and prescribed performances for each bearing type.

The company has it’s own Chemical Laboratory, Metallurgical Laboratory, Metrological Laboratory.

Our employees represent the most important resource, their competences being continuously developed by training.

MISSION: to offer quality products at competitive prices, assuring the continual increasing of customer satisfaction;

GOAL: to get and keep the confidence of our customers, exceeding their needs and expectations;

QUALITY: the most important element on which URB SUCEAVA underlies its development strategy and quality achievement is the whole staff responsibility;

CUSTOMER: fulfilling its requirements are in the centre of our actions
